Suzan eraslan has been a podcaster, dj, theater maker,and freelance beverage writer, currently working full time in non-alcoholic wine and spirits


Frankly a light news day thus far at 2:30 PM EST, but there's a lot of in depth stories that have come out today that shed light on the extraordinary disfunction of the DT administration. 

  • On February 12th, 2017, on Meet the Press, Senator Bernie Sanders called DT "a pathological liar." 
    • Source:
  • On February 12th, 2017, the Observer reported an in depth story on how the intelligence community is pushing back at DT and his administration for their ties to Russia. An unsettling and alarming read. 
  • On February 12th, 2017, Politico reported an in depth story on tensions between Kellyanne Conway and DT, particularly with his daughter Ivanka after Conway's ethics violation earlier this week when she marketed Ivanka's products on national television. 
  • On February 12th, 2017, Politico also reported that bookmakers, who have a strong history of predicting political events, have it 4-1 that DT will be impeached this year by the House of Representatives. We can only hope that the usual accuracy of betting holds. 
  • On February 12th, 2017, the Department of Education, newly headed by the completely unqualified billionaire Betsy DeVos, tweeted a quote by W.E.B. Du Bois, spelling the civil rights activist's name wrong. The DOE followed this up with a tweet expressing their "deepest apologizes" for the error. 
  • On February 12th, 2017, DT curiously tweeted that businessman Mark Cuban had supported him "big time" but was not "smart enough to run for president." Cuban did not, and in fact said that DT was a "goddamn airhead" during the election and eventually came around to openly supporting Secretary Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. Cuban's response today was classic. (Click thumbnails to enlarge)

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13TH, 2017 (Mike Flynn is in hot water)